
Peace of Mind In Retirement…

At Black Diamond Money Moves we believe that the tools and strategies you need in retirement, and the attitude of your financial advisor should be different than the ones you would choose when you are...

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Peace of Mind In Retirement…

Peace of Mind In Retirement…

January 12, 20243 min read

When retired or approaching retirement, traditional perspectives about investing don’t apply as they once did. Riding out a stock market crash could literally mean running out of money when you need it most-in retirement.

The mainstream financial community continues to promote a “Hopium” approach to retirement.

At Black Diamond Money Moves we believe that the tools and strategies you need in retirement, and the attitude of your financial advisor should be different than the ones you would choose when you are younger.

As you approach your retirement years, it is crucial to have a plan that uses strategies designed to prioritize your income while protecting your capital from the many things that can take it away from you. And that’s exactly what we do.

We support a comprehensive approach designed to help you…

  • Generate the income you need for retirement, income that grows to offset inflation

  • Invest strategically to reduce your costs and risk while increasing your after tax returns

  • Reduce or even eliminate the risk of Wall Street corrections impacting your lifestyle in retirement

  • Potentially save you thousands in taxes using our ‘tax favored cash flow strategies

  • Protect your nest egg from other risks like long term care, creditors, lawsuits, divorce etc.

Black Diamond Money Moves-Peace of Mind In Retirement

Considering the current state of retirement for many Americans, it’s pretty clear that conventional financial planning has set up many for a potential “The Perfect Storm”

This “Perfect Storm” is the simultaneous exposure to significant loss in a market crash during a sustained period of medical/long term care need... in a rising/high tax environment.

Or put another way… seeing your wealth eroded by market crashes, health care costs and rising taxes.

This combination would financially wipe out almost any retiree without the planning and strategies in place to protect against this Perfect Storm.

Most financial strategies fall into two categories. 

The first is good at generating growth but leaves your wealth unprotected… while the second is good at protecting wealth but fails to produce the stable predictable income you need in retirement. 

In today’s volatile world, retirees need a combination of both for the ultimate in financial security.

The traditional financial community continues to promote tired old perspectives and strategies that ignore the single fact that is most relative to financial security of retirees.

How “good” your long term investment returns are is not nearly as important as keeping more of what you earn while protecting your capital from the things that can take it away from you.

The bottom line - A financial plan designed around any other premise leaves your retirement security at risk. 

When done correctly, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you’ll never run out of money in retirement… And also the confidence that you can fully enjoy your retirement knowing you have more income to spend.

In most cases we’re able to help our clients achieve 50% or more income throughout retirement.

Better yet… We do this while eliminating any risk of losing any money in the stock market.

Check out our free Black Diamond Protected Growth Strategy Webinar to find out more.

Black Diamond Money Moves-Peace of Mind In Retirement

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Chad Free

Chad Free | CEO Black Diamond Money Moves

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